Driving Range

Driving Range

During the early part of 2020 our driving range has been upgraded with new facilities – new driving bays and dividers; new carpeting and golf mats; new internal LED lighting; new external range LED lighting; new larger ball dispenser; re-designed range outfield. The most exciting introduction is a professional ball tracking system in every bay – Top Tracer.

This state-of-the-art ball tracking system is the world leader in this area providing real time information on every shot hit from the bays. Each ball is added to your own profile so that a statistical analysis of your ball striking can be reviewed at your leisure.

This virtual system also allows play of world class golf courses from around the world as well as club training programs and longest drive, nearest the pin. There is even an interactive game for fun called “Go Fish” and New smart phone classic Angry Birds designed for juniors but is proving a hit with adults too.

Each bay also has seating for spectators who can enjoy beverages and food delivered to their bay whilst enjoying the Top Tracer experience.


Monday – Sunday | 10.00 – 22.00


48 balls – £7.50

96 balls – £12.50

Season Ticket Holders, 2 free baskets of balls -£250